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2020-11-28 19:45     (点击: )


讲座名称:Modellingthe potential role of engineered symbiotic bacteria in malaria control


时间:20201130 09:00

地点:腾讯会议(748 978 513




A recentexperimental study suggests that the engineered symbiotic bacteria Serratia AS1may provide a novel, effective and sustainable biocontrol of malaria. Theserecombinant bacteria have been shown to be able to rapidly disseminatethroughout mosquito populations and to efficiently inhibit development ofmalaria parasites in mosquitoes in controlled laboratory experiments. In thistalk, I will report a recent work in which we develop a climate-based malariamodel which involves both vertical and horizontal transmissions of theengineered Serratia AS1 bacteria in mosquito population. We show that thedynamics of the model system is totally determined by the vector reproductionratio Rv, and the basic reproduction ratio R0. If Rv < 1, then themosquito-free state is globally attractive. If Rv>1 and R0 1 and R0>1,then the positive periodic solution is globally attractive. Numerically, weverify the obtained analytic result and evaluate the effects of releasing theengineered Serratia AS1 bacteria in field by conducting a case study forDouala, Cameroon. We find that ideally, by using Serratia AS1 alone, it takesat least 25 years to eliminate malaria from Douala.



邹幸福教授分别在中山大学,湖南大学和约克大学(York University Canada)获得学士, 硕士和博士学位,并在维多利亚大学(University ofVictoria, Canada)和佐治亚理工(Georgia Institute ofTechnology, USA) 从事过博士后研究工作。曾任教于加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学 (MemorialUniversity of Newfoundland, Canada, 现为加拿大西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario)应用数学系的教授。研究兴趣为微分方程和动力系统的理论及应用,特别是反应扩散方程、常泛函微分方程及偏泛函微分方程及其在生物领域的应用.





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