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2021-10-11 15:03     (点击: )

讲座名称An energy-efficient reliable path finding algorithm for stochastic road networks with electric vehicles



地点:腾讯会议室(会议 ID683 968 844



In this paper, we develop a novel reliable path finding algorithm for a stochastic road network with uncertainty in travel times while both electric vehicle energy and efficiency are simultaneously taken into account. We first propose a bi-objective optimization model to maximize (1) the on-time arrival reliability and (2) energy-efficiency for battery electric vehicles (BEVs) in a path finding problem. The former objective requires finding the reliable shortest path (RSP), which is the path with the minimal effective travel time measured by the sum of the mean travel time and a travel time safety margin for any given origin-destination (OD) pair. Then, we refer to energy-efficiency as the minimum of the electric energy consumption. We discuss the non-additive property of the RSP problem since we also consider the link travel time correlations, whereas the latter objective satisfies the additive criterion. To this end, we illustrate the existence of non-dominated solutions that satisfy both of the two objectives. Furthermore, it is shown that the intersection of two candidate sets – one for the RSPs and the other for paths with minimal energy-consumption - actually contains the optimal solution for the bi-objective optimization problem. The upper and lower bounds of the effective travel time are mathematically deduced and can be used to generate the candidate path set of this bi-objective problem via the K-shortest algorithm. Our proposed algorithm overcomes the infeasibility of traditional path finding algorithms (e.g., the Dijkstra algorithm) for RSPs. Moreover, using two numerical examples, we verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm. We numerically demonstrate promising potential applications of the proposed algorithm in real-life road traffic networks.


邵虎,男,197911月出生,教授,博士,博士生导师,中国矿业大学数学学院最优化理论与应用研究所所长。江苏省青蓝工程优秀教学团队带头人、优秀青年骨干教师,江苏省高校优秀共产党员,中国矿业大学青年学术带头人。江苏省运筹学会副理事长,徐州市工业与应用数学学会副理事长,中国矿业大学十佳青年教职工。主持4项国家自然科学基金项目(面上3项,青年1),在《Transportation Research Part B》等刊物发表科研论文40余篇,教学论文9篇,出版第一作者专著1部,参与编写教材1部,获得江苏省教学成果一等奖、教育部2018年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖自然科学奖二等奖、中国矿业大学教学贡献奖等60余项奖励。主要研究方向为交通网络建模与算法设计、数值优化算法与应用,具体包括:交通网络可靠性分析、不确定性条件下的路径优化问题、交通需求与行程时间估计、交通数据采集传感器布置、公交排班算法、数据驱动的建模与算法研究等。


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