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First Announcement of The Ninth China-Australia Workshop on Optimization Theory,Methods and Applications(CAWO 2019)
2019-09-02 09:58     (点击: )

FirstAnnouncement of The Ninth China-Australia Workshop on Optimization: Theory,Methods and Applications (CAWO2019) 15 - 18 November 2019, Shanghai, China


The Ninth China-Australia Workshop onOptimization: Theory, Methods and Applications (CAWO2019), being jointlyorganized by Shanghai University, Chongqing Normal University, China,Federation University Australia and Curtin University, Australia will be heldin Shanghai University, Shanghai, China from 15 to 18 November 2019.

As the continuations of the CAWOs, CAWO2019 aims to bring researchers and practitioners around the world onoptimization and optimal control together to exchange ideas and approaches, topresent research findings and state-of-the-art solutions, to share experienceand future research development on theory, methods and applications foroptimization and optimal control. The previous CAWOs were held in Shanghai(2003, 2007, 2011), Ballarat (2004, 2009, 2013), Chongqing (2015) and Perth(2017).

The topics of the workshop include allareas of optimization, optimal control and their applications and will includebut not be limited to


Nonlinear programming

Global optimization

Non-smooth optimization

Stochastic programming anddynamic programming

Multi-objective optimization

Equilibrium problems

Integer programming

Combination optimization

Optimal control

Variational inequality

Practical applications


CAWOConference Co-Chairs

Kok Lay Teo              CurtinUniversity

Xinmin Yang              ChongqingNormal University

Liansheng Zhang           ShanghaiUniversity

Alex Kruger               FederationUniversity




Yanqin Bai               ShanghaiUniversity

Zhiyou Wu               ChongqingNormal University

Xiaojiao Tong             HunanFirst Normal University



Adil Bagirov              FederationUniversity Australia

Changjun Yu              ShanghaiUniversity

Kequan Zhao             ChongqingNormal University

Zhangdong Ouyang        HunanFirst Normal University



Wanquan Liu             CurtinUniversity

Adil Bagirov              FederationUniversity Australia

Simai He                 ShanghaiUniversity of Economics and Finance


InternationalOrganizing Committee


Jie Sun                   CurtinUniversity

Song Wang               CurtinUniversity

Adil Bagirov               FederationUniversity Australia



Fusheng Bai              ChongqingNormal University

Jason Chen               NationalTaiwan Normal University

Yuhong Dai               Academyof Mathematics and System Science, CAS

Jinyan Fan                ShanghaiJiao Tong University

Masao Fukushima         NanzanUniversity

Sarah Yini Gao            SingaporeManagement University

Deren Han               NanjingNormal University

Lingchen Kong            BeijingJiao Tong University

Wah June Leong           PutraUniversity

Zhongfei Li               SunYet-Sen University

Bingo Wing-Kuen Ling      GuangdongUniversity of Technology

Chongyang Liu            ShandongTechnology and Business University

Xin Liu                   Academyof Mathematics and System Science, CAS

Wanquan Liu             CurtinUniversity

Zhong Wan               CentralSouth University

Lei Wang                 DalianUniversity of Technology

Yiju Wang                QufuNormal University

Wei Wei                 GuizhouUniversity

Yonghong Wu             CurtinUniversity

Changzhi Wu              GuangzhouUniversity

Soon-Yi Wu               NationalCheng Kong University

Dachuan Xu               BeijingUniversity of Technology

Zhouwang Yang            Universityof Science and Technology of China

Su Zhang                 NankaiUniversity

Kai Zhang                 ShenzhenUniversity

Liwei Zhang               DalianUniversity of Technology

Guanglu Zhou             CurtinUniversity

Wenxing Zhu              FuzhouUniversity


LocalOrganizing Committee


Wancheng Sheng           ShanghaiUniversity

Peicheng Zhu              ShanghaiUniversity

Yanqin Bai                ShanghaiUniversity

Changjun Yu               ShanghaiUniversity


Boshun Han               ShanghaiUniversity

Hao Hao                  ShanghaiPolytechnic University

Qian Li                   ShanghaiUniversity of Engineering Science

Zhaohui Liu               EastChina University of Science and Technology

Changhong Lv             EastChina Normal University

Yumin Shi                 LinkstarLogistics

Lingye Wu                ShanghaiUniversity

Guohua Wan              ShanghaiJiao Tong University

Guoqiang Wang            ShanghaiUniversity of Engineering Science

Zi Xu                     ShanghaiUniversity

Xin Yan                  Shanghai University ofInternational Business and Economics

Yongjian Yang             ShanghaiUniversity

Jiming Zhang              ShanghaiUniversity

Liwei Zhong               ShanghaiGeneral Hospital

Anwa Zhou                ShanghaiUniversity



CAWO 2019 will include special technicalsessions. Prospective session organizers should send the filled special sessionform to the Conference Secretary, Dr. Changjun Yu (yuchangjun@126.com) by 20September 2019.Each presentation is expected to be 20 minutes (15 minutes for the talk, 5minutes for questions and discussion). Please write “CAWO 2019 SpecialSessions” in the subject line. We may split a large session in several sessionsif needed.



Online Registration starting day:       15August 2019

Submission Deadline:                25October 2019

Workshop:                        16-17November 2019


Venue andHotel

Address: Lehu Hotel, 716 Jinqiu Road,Baoshan, Shanghai, China

Tel: 021-66133688

For any enquiries and questions about theCAWO 2019, please feel free to contact the



ChangjunYu                        ZiXu

yuchangjun@126.com                  xuzi@shu.edu.cn

138 1836 8384                        1367199 2398

Welcomeyou to Shanghai to attend CAWO 2019.

Localtransport information


PudongAirport à ShanghaiUniversity (Baoshan Campus)

By Metro:Pudong airportby Metro Line 2 to Jing'an Temple, then transfer to MetroLine 7 toShanghai University. (Total price is 8 RMB.)

By Taxi: Directly take taxi to 716Jinqiu Road, Shanghai University (Baoshan Campus, North Gate). (Total price is around 230RMB depending on traffic.)

HongqiaoAirport à ShanghaiUniversity (Baoshan Campus)

By Metro:Hongqiaoairport by Metro Line 2 to Jing'an Temple, then transfer to MetroLine 7 toShanghai University. (Total price is 6 RMB.)

By Taxi: Directly take taxi to 716Jinqiu Road, Shanghai University (Baoshan Campus, North Gate). (Total price is about 60RMB.)


FromRailway Station:

ShanghaiSouth Railway Station à Shanghai University (Baoshan Campus)

By Metro:By MetroLine 1 toChangshu Road, transfer to Metro Line 7 to Shanghai University (BaoshanCampus). (Total price is 5 RMB.)

By Taxi: Directly take taxi to 716Jinqiu Road, Shanghai University (Baoshan Campus, North Gate). (Total price is about 90RMB.)

ShanghaiRailway Station à ShanghaiUniversity (Baoshan Campus)

By Metro:By Metro Line1 to ChangshuRoad, then tranfer to Metro Line 7 to Shanghai University(BaoshanCampus). (Total price is 4 RMB.)

By Metro:By Metro Line3 to ZhenpingRoad, then transfer to Metro Line 7 to Shanghai University(BaoshanCampus). (Total price is 4 RMB.)

By Taxi: Directly take taxi to 716Jinqiu Road, Shanghai University (Baoshan Campus, North Gate). (Total price is about 50RMB.)

By Bus: By Bus Route58: RailwayStation (Hengfeng Road) -> terminus (near 716 Jingqiu Road, ShanghaiUniversity, Baoshan Campus, North Gate). (Total price is 2RMB.)





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