职称: 助理研究员
系部: 数学系
办公室: 数学系 313
Email: yousong@cqnu.edu.cn
2013.09-2020.06,兰州大学, 硕博连读,获得博士学位;
2018.09-2020-03 里斯本大学(葡萄牙) 联合培养博士;
2020.09-2022.09 清华大学 博士后;
2022.10-至今 重庆师范大学 工作
研究方向: 非线性泛函分析与椭圆偏微分方程
主讲课程: 泛函分析、复变函数、高等数学
Tianhao Liu, Song You, Wenming Zou, Least energy positive solutions for d-coupled Schrödinger systems with critical exponent in dimension three. J. Differential Equations 367 (2023), 40-78.
Hugo Tavares, Song You, Wenming Zou, Least energy positive solutions of critical Schrodinger systems with mixed competition and cooperation terms: the higher dimensional case, J. Funct. Anal, 283, (2022).
Hugo Tavares, Song You, Existence of least energy positive solutions to Schrodinger systems with mixed competition and cooperation terms: the critical case, Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations, 59 (2020).
Song You, Peihao Zhao, Qingxuan Wang, Positive ground states for coupled nonlinear Choquard equations involving Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev critical exponent, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 48 (2019), 182-211.
Song You, Qingxuan Wang, Peihao Zhao, Positive least energy solutions for coupled nonlinear Choquard equations with Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev critical exponent, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 53 (2019), 623-657.
国家自然科学基金/ 青年基金, 带有混合相互作用薛定谔系统的研究(12301130), 30万,2024.01.01-2026.12.31, 主持.
国家自然科学基金/ 面上项目,关于椭圆方程的正规化解,主研.
重庆市自然科学基金/ 面上项目,多元素耦合的薛定谔系统最小能量正解的研究,5万,2023.07.01-2026.06.30, 主持.
重庆市科委/ 青年项目,三维临界薛定谔系统最小能量正解的研究, 4万, 2023.10.01-2026.09.30, 主持.